We’re excited to announce that we’ve been selected by WattAnyWhere to supply electronic converters for their innovative fuel cell technology designed to boost e-Mobility with off-grid BioEnergy.
Working in close collaboration with their design team we’ve been able to develop the system architecture for the power stage of their bioenergy fuel cell and deliver a prototype of the system in just a few months.
Building on our range of power converters for unidirectional and bidirectional fast charging (MPU, BMPU, and EVI), our power electronics feature in the fuel cell start-up system and at the system output to convert the electricity generated to the required current and voltage for EV battery charging.
This innovative solution will facilitate the rollout of e-Mobility infrastructure, providing access to 300 kW / 100 MWh for charging up to 3,000 cars, that is 100% renewable, easy to transport, and can be installed anywhere.