In electric vehicle charging process, communication boards enable the charge point to communicate with the vehicle where the battery is to be charged. The supply equipment communication controller (SECC) manages the charging process on the charging station side, while the electric vehicle communication controller (EVCC) is embedded within EVs.
However, innovative use cases beyond automotive require EVCC for industrial application:
- Mobile battery containers for EV charging stations
By integrating EVCC into battery containers, they can be charged like EVs via external chargers, while incorporating SECC enables them to charge other EVs.
- Charging industrial motors according to CCS protocol
Our EVCC supports specific functions and is designed to be integrated within industrial vehicles such as electric trucks, construction vehicles, boats etc.
Designed for industrial applications, our EVCC embeds a powerful processor to run communications stack and demanding applications, with all the required signals for CCS/Combo (DIN70121 and ISO15118) protocol. Manufactured at our production facilities in Pertuis, France, our EVCC will shortly be available on the market.